
The Outreach Task Team of Westminster United Church seeks to:

  • be responsible for outreach programs within the church
  • assess programs that address local, community and global needs
  • provide educational programs pertaining to justice issues in the community and world wide
  • be responsible for the mission education of the congregation with particular reference to the Mission and Service fund of The United Church of Canada


Goals and Objectives

Help build positive connections within the congregation and community:

  • Shrove Tuesday pancake supper
  • Cathedral Village Arts Festival pancake breakfast
  • Lunch and Learn
  • Faith and Film

Support families in need within the congregation and community:

  • Saturday soup luncheon
  • Food pantry
  • Adopt-A-Family
  • Mitten Tree

Respond to national and global concerns:

  • Refugee sponsorship (donations of time and money gratefully accepted)
  • Mission and Service and Emergency Appeals awareness

Promote social justice issues:

  • Support organizations committed to issues of social justice
  • Write letters, sign and deliver petitions towards ending injustice
  • Support the LGBTQ community
  • Provide opportunities for learning and responding to the Truth and Reconciliation recommendations
  • Support Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls vigils

Provide information and support towards peace, the environment and multi-faith understanding:

  • Support multi-faith acceptance and appreciation of the diverse faith communities
  • Support peace with education and awareness-building
  • Support the environment by leading change within our congregation


Organizations We Support

Sometimes outreach ministry can be done more effectively by working in relationship with groups and organizations already dedicated to helping others. Through their expertise we work together to do what we could not do on our own.

Mission & Service of The United Church of Canada

M&S is a practical way to respond to the many needs in our communities, our country and the world. UCC responds to disasters such as the Syrian refugee crisis and the Fort McMurray fire through its Emergency Relief Fund. Donations can be made anytime through the office or your offering envelope.

Carmichael Outreach

The first Sunday of each month is designated Bread for Life Sunday. The congregation is encouraged to bring loaves of bread and monetary gifts which are delivered to Carmichael Outreach. Carmichael Outreach offers a housing support program, food security and nutrition program, free clothing and household boutique and addictions/mental illness programs.

Regina Anti-Poverty Ministry

The Regina Anti-Poverty Ministry (RAPM) is a social justice ministry of Wascana Presbytery of The United Church of Canada. RAPM advocates and educates with and for those seeking social and economic justice. The work of RAPM is divided in three areas: individual advocacy, public education and social justice.

Lumsden Beach Camp

Westminster United offers financial support to children and youth attending Lumsden Beach Camp. LBC is a United Church camping ministry fostering relationships, leadership, faith in God, environmental stewardship and a connection to nature in a safe, inclusive and sustainable community.


How You Can Help

  1. Donate food and grocery gift cards to our food pantry which is distributed by staff based on need.
  2. Drop off used eye glasses, which are forwarded to Lions Clubs who provide the eyewear free of charge to people in developing countries.
  3. Donate your Canadian Tire money, which is forwarded to Lumsden Beach Camp to support their ministry.
  4. Donate personal hygiene products, which are provided to those in need.
  5. Support Carmichael Outreach by bringing your clean, empty food containers to support the food security program. Donate seasonal clothing where anyone in need can take what they need. Donate loaves of bread and money on the first Sunday of each month.
  6. Knit, crochet or purchase mitts, toques, scarves, shawls and lap covers for our mitten tree, which are given to children, seniors and those in need.
  7. Gifts with Vision is an excellent way to support the work of The United Church of Canada’s Mission and Service partners in Canada, Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East. Gifts with Vision catalogues are available in the narthex or shop online at giftswithvision.ca.


Outreach Task Team

If you have a passion for putting your faith in action, serving “the least of these”, advocating for justice, and a love for your neighbour, the Outreach Task Team is a great way to serve. We heed the call for charity, justice and peace.

Call the church office or email westminsterucregina@sasktel.net to be connected; or attend a monthly meeting, held on the third Sunday of the month (Sept-June) in the Lounge after worship.

New members are welcome throughout the year.