Having the opportunity to explore our spirituality is important to those of us who attend Westminster. To this end, we offer the following ways for kids and adults to question, read, talk and learn!
For Kids
Sunday school runs each week during worship service. Kids start out the service with their families, enjoy a short lesson during the service, then move on to their own fun-filled program in the church’s education wing. We currently have three Sunday school classes: pre-K for ages 4 to 6, primary for ages 7 to 10 and secondary for ages 11 to 14+. New kids are always welcome and can join us at any time throughout the year.
For Adults
The Westminster Library houses a collection of books on the topics of faith and spirituality. The library is located in the UCW Lounge at the church and can be accessed during church office hours (Monday to Friday 9 am to 12 noon and 1:30 to 3 pm). Books are loaned out for three week periods. We’re always looking for donations of recently published books.
Faith Study
Ever feel like Jesus has been kidnapped by the Christian Right and discarded by the Secular Left? Then join us in the fall for the second half of “Saving Jesus Redux”, a 12-session DVD-based study from Living the Questions, exploring what a credible Jesus looks like for the third millennium. An enthusiastic group of us went through the first 6 sessions in the season of Lent, and we’re looking forward to picking up where we left off, in the fall.